Sunday, July 7, 2013



In the wake of the recent shooting of a dog by Hawthorne police officers, one must ask themselves this question.  What would "I" do if that were me?  Well most people can Monday morning quarterback and come up with the right answer.  The right answer in their own eyes!

However, unless you've been put in that position, you cannot honestly convict the police officer without walking in his shoes.

Now, with that being said, the City of Hawthorne has WAY more problems than the killing of a dog.

Granted, this could quite possibly have been prevented, but you can't spend all of your time focusing in on this one incident.

With the issues outlined in this blog at hand, why don't the PEOPLE spend time & focus on the true issues of corruption within the City of Hawthorne?

When you have these types of criminal activities happening on a daily basis and the District Attorney is turning a blind eye to the complaints, citizens find more time to talk about a dead dog!
There are over 4 million views of the video posted on youtube, yet the documents of corruption have only been viewed less that 20 times.

I urge residents to talk a bigger role in your government and speak up when you suspect corruption and to listen when someone tells you there is corruption happening!

The police officer was merely doing his job when he was forced into this situation.  He was put into a position that could have been prevented by ALL parties involved.  Yet, what happened, did happen nonetheless.

If residents & citizens spent more time paying attention to TRUE CORRUPTION, maybe, just maybe this police officer might not have been put in this position.
Why?  Because the government officials in city hall may have had a better handle on the issues within the police department instead of letting a rogue captain run things his way.  Morale would be better, supervisors would do their jobs better and quite possibly, this officer may have handled this situation a lot better.

Friday, August 17, 2012


JOHN 8:32 - "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

What is TRUTH - the quality of being true, genuine, actual, or factual is what defines TRUTH.

To tell the TRUTH is what we are taught at an early age.  Always tell the truth is what we were told as children.  Yet as we grow older, people tend to shy away from THE TRUTH.  Today people simply do not like to tell the truth, especially POLITICIANS.

This is a blog about the TRUTH and the LIARS (politicians) who have failed to tell the TRUTH in the CITY OF HAWTHORNE and yet have gotten away with crimes and have actually been paid for their crimes.

Whoever said "crime doesn't pay", obviously was not working for the City of Hawthorne.


Allow me to introduce you to the “PLAYERS” at City Hall.

Former Mayor Larry Guidi 
(Convicted of BURGLARY & currently on PROBATION)



Mayor Danny Juarez

 (Orchestrated the appointment of Jim Mitsch as City Manager & authorized the corruption investigation, but when corruption was uncovered, he denied any knowledge.  Now he orchestrated the ousting of Russ Miyahara)

Mayor Pro-Tem Angie English

(Participated in the appointment of Jim Mitsch & had first hand knowledge of the corruption investigation)

Council Member Alex Vargas


 (Participated in the appointment of Jim Mitsch & had first hand knowledge of the corruption investigation)

"Expired" Council Member Ginny Lambert

Former City Manager Jim Mitsch

 (Sitting @ home & collecting $180k per year
to remain SILENT)

Former City Attorney Russ Miyahara

(Complicit in many wrongdoings inside City Hall throughout the years,
yet has not come forward.  
Now he's been brought back as City Attorney??)

Human Resources Director Robert O’Brien

(Works closely with authorities as an insider informant.
Complicit in dealings with Mayor Juarez.)

IT Manager P.J. Shirk
(Allegedly sold documents taken from City Hall to outside sources)

Former Chief of Police Mike Heffner 
(Resigned in lieu of being interviewed about corruption.
Currently being sued by several officers)

Former Police Lieutenant Steve Cruickshank
(Immediately retired after being interviewed.
Fled the State)

Former City Manager Jag Pathirana
(Convicted of soliciting LAPD undercover officer for sex)
(Was paid off by the city to "go away" after threatening a lawsuit)

Former Finance Director Louis Escobar
(Refused to pay for lap dances & refused to be interviewed)
(Threatened to sue the city, but failed)

Former Housing Investigator Robert Chavez
(Scapegoat - took the fall for his buddy)
(Now married to a current Deputy District Attorney Hikari Eleanor Kimura
@ LAX Courthouse
where the private investigator is on trial)

Former IT Manager Jose Gutierrez
(Terminated from his position, but was given a new position @ Southbay Workforce Investment Group - Ran for Council & lost, but was given 
campaign funds by Jag Pathirana)

Many of these players have been involved in activities which can only be described as “unethical, immoral and sometimes criminal” throughout the past 5-10 years in Hawthorne.

This blog is designed to bring to light only those events that took place within the past 3 years.  Those events that ultimately led to the termination of a City Manager, an alleged break-in at City Hall on the eve of his ousting, the sudden resignation of a Chief of Police and Police Lieutenant during the investigation and the termination of various other employees involved in nefarious activities.

And the wrongful arrest of an innocent person who was lawfully hired by the city at the direction of Danny Juarez, leader of the majority & former City Manger Jim Mitsch.  This individual is now the scapegoat for all the players involved, including the Hawthorne Police Department & LA County District Attorney's Office.


When people talk about the City of Hawthorne, many remember it as being the home of the Beach Boys or as The City of Good Neighbors.  But what they DON’T mention are the POLITICS.

Yes, the DIRTY politics that have plagued this city for many years now.

Today the City of Bell is in the spotlight only because city officials decided to pay themselves exorbitant salaries.  But that’s ok, because city officials did it up front, in your face, thinking they were above the law.  Only things is, they got caught.  One can somehow respect that attitude.  It’s the “look at me, I can do whatever I want” attitude.  The kind of attitude that eventually catches up with you and takes you down!

But within the confines of city hall in Hawthorne people aren’t UP FRONT with their actions that take place behind closed doors.  No, they just simply play their games – behind “closed sessions” – those that the public is not privy to.  They spend taxpayers money like it’s going out of style, however, they cry poverty and claim that the city has no money to help balance the budget.

They put HUD officials on hold & refuse to speak with them when prompted.  Why?  Because they misappropriated millions of dollars & HUD wants their money back.  Then when they are audited, they blame it on "poor accounting" from the previous manager. Who by the way was "terminated" with good cause.

They make police officers take furloughs, basically giving up hundreds of hours of their pay to “help” the budget, yet they are quick to spend or should I say, “pay off” former employees over $500k because they fear retaliation and lawsuits.


Hawthorne Approves Settlement With Former City Manager Jag Pathirana Over Strip Club Allegations

By Dennis Romero Mon., Feb. 28 2011 at 3:41 PM Comments (9)
Categories: City News

A strip club and false allegations play out in Hawthorne.

It was a juicy tale about Hawthorne city officials who were alleged to be regulars at a strip club where they told people they were cops.

Former City Manager Jag Pathirana said the accusations last year were false and, as such, part of a political "witch hunt" to undermine him and Hawthorne finance manager Louis Escober's cred.

As it happens the city has decided to settle a claim by Pathirana over the strip-club allegations, according to Daily Breeze.

The paper states that Pathirana claimed "emotional distress" caused by what appears now to be the planting of a political-attack story.

The Breeze states that Councilman Danny Juarez "orchestrated Pathirana's removal last summer" and that Jim Mitsch, Pathirana's replacement, hired a private investigator to look into his predecessor and others.

According to the paper Mitsch then turned over his allegations about the cop impersonation at the Wild Goose in Del Aire to Fox 11 News, which aired them. (The Weekly echoed Fox's piece, attributing the allegations to the station's reporting).

But both Pathirana and Louis Escobar say the accusations are false.

Pathirana subsequently lost side jobs in Inglewood and South Gate as a result of the Fox report, he says.

Escobar tells the Weekly that reports "falsely stated we impersonated police officers" and that they amount to "character assassination."

He says the city of Hawthorne also settled with him.

Pathirana's settlement is believed to be worth "about $150,000" according to the Breeze.


Records show that on April 26, 2010 a “private investigator” was hired by Interim City Manager Jim Mitsch, at the direction of then Council Member Danny Juarez.

Mr. Mitsch and majority council members were concerned that the previous administration had been using illegal listening devices inside city hall.  They also felt it necessary to look into the alleged “break-in” or "unauthorized entry" at city hall on April 15, 2010.  Which is the same evening that Jag Pathirana was ousted by Danny Juarez and his majority.

Mr. Mitsch, at the direction of Danny Juarez, on several occasions consulted with outside counsel, Tiffany Israel, of Aleshire & Wynder, LLP, a City of Hawthorne vendor, regarding the advancement of the investigation.

For the record, Tiffany Israel is the City Attorney for adjoining City of Lawndale.  Apparently she moonlights as counsel for the City of Hawthorne, since the city is not confident enough in allowing City Attorney Russ Miyahara to handle city affairs on his own.

On May 5, 2010 Mr. Mitsch, under the direction of Tiffany Israel, ordered the private investigator to proceed with his investigation of the break-in as well as the incident at the Wild Goose in 2009 and any other improper activities conducted within city hall by city employees.

Later that afternoon, Mr. Mitsch contacted Chief Heffner and asked that he provide a written statement of the Wild Goose incident on July 31, 2009 and the “break-in” on April 15, 2010.

Chief Heffner provided an official document to Mr. Mitsch of both incidents.

The following is one of the two prepared memos provided by Chief Heffner.


In order to have a better understanding of the chain of events one must go back to the evening of July 31, 2009 where it all began.

The Wild Goose, a local strip club located on the outskirts of Hawthorne, in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County, was a favorite hangout for two city officials.

On this particular evening those two city officials, later identified as City Manager Jag Pathirana & Finance Director Louis Escobar were inside the establishment partaking of alcoholic beverages and lap dances.

Through reliable sources both at city hall and the club, these two were known regulars and were thought to be “police officers”.  Why were they thought to be police officers?  Apparently one or both individuals had flashed a badge that appeared similar to that of a Hawthorne police officer’s badge.

On the evening in question, records indicated that Mr. Escobar did in fact become intoxicated, refused to pay for a lap dance and at one point became argumentative with the entertainer. It was then that the entertainer notified security and Mr. Escobar was escorted out of the building shortly thereafter.  During the encounter with security, Mr. Escobar became upset and apparently the manager decided it was necessary to call the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and request their response for the disturbance.

Documents show that the caller notified the Lennox Sheriff’s department that there were two Hawthorne police officers creating a disturbance inside the establishment.  Deputies were dispatched to the location and upon arrival they encountered Mr. Escobar, who was intoxicated and belligerent.  Mr. Escobar was detained by deputies, while they continued their investigation, which included notifying the Hawthorne Police Department Watch Commander, Lt. Steve Cruicshank of the disturbance.

According to records, Lt. Cruicshank sent a supervisor, Sgt. Jimmy Conner, to handle what appeared to be a disturbance involving two Hawthorne police officers at the Wild Goose.  When Sgt. Conner arrived, he met with Sheriff’s deputies and identified the two individuals as City Manager Jag Pathirana & Finance Director Louis Escobar.

Records show that Lt. Cruicshank immediately contacted a police captain who in turn contacted Chief Heffner and then Sgt. Conner was given instructions to “make sure they got home safely”.

Calls to the Captain Dendo of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Lennox Station went unanswered and the response by Sheriff's Deputies was even denied by high ranking officials at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Media Relations and including staff directly below Sheriff Lee Bacca.

It is true that there were never any charges filed on either individual and the event was never mentioned again.

Until Fox 11 aired the following:


Fast forward to April 15, 2010 where a special session had been called to discuss the performance evaluation and possible termination of City Manager Jag Pathirana.

The new council majority, headed by then Councilmember, now Mayor Danny Juarez took it upon themselves to hire outside legal counsel, Tiffany Israel, the current City Attorney for the City of Lawndale and associate of Aleshire & Wynder, LLP, to discuss termination procedures.  At this special meeting, Jag Pathirana was in fact terminated and a new City Manager was appointed immediately.


Sources reveal that the council majority, which included Council Members Danny Juarez, Alex Vargas and Angie English had held secret meetings with Mr. Jim Mitsch several months prior.  This is evident since Mr. Mitsch was literally waiting in the wings of city hall during this special meeting.

After being appointed that afternoon he met with various city leaders, including Chief Mike Heffner.  Mr. Mitsch immediately ordered Chief Heffner to seize any and all computers belonging to Mr. Pathirana.  A short time later Mr. Pathirana was escorted out of the building and he left the property.

As word spread of his termination, various city employees quickly put together a going away gathering for Mr. Pathirana at Cozymel’s Mexican restaurant in El Segundo.  Many city employees attended this event including a concerned citizen who was present during the special meeting.  This citizen was concerned about Mr. Pathirana’s well being, but was afraid to approach Mr. Pathirana at city hall.  When he was told about the going away party at Cozymels, he took it upon himself to attend.  However when he arrived, he noticed the large party and became concerned that he might not be welcomed. While contemplating whether or not to join the party, the citizen was approached by Mr. Escobar. The concerned citizen was asked about his presence at the restaurant, which by the way is a public place, and then escorted to the back where Mr. Pathirana was seated.  The citizen expressed concern to Mr. Pathirana and left a short time later.

It is still uncertain why Mr. Escobar, a representative of the City of Hawthorne would illegally detain an unknown individual simply because he recognized him from the meeting.  This citizen has since moved from the area and is in fear for his life since being threatened that evening and later being threatened by private investigators hired by Jag Pathirana.

Later that evening, as the party ended, Mr. Pathirana, who had been drinking alcoholic beverages, was stopped and detained by El Segundo police as he left the location.

Records indicate that a sobriety test was administered to Mr. Pathirana.  The results showed that he was just below the legal limit, therefore he was released. 

After being released, Mr. Pathirana, Mr. Escobar, Mr. Chavez, Ms. Miller, Ms. Emmich and others left Cozymels and returned to City Hall.

Mr. Escobar & Chavez entered the building several times and took out several bags with documents.  This event was witnessed by an off duty police officer.  This officer observed the activity for a period of time and immediately notified his Watch Commander, Lt. Steve Romero, after these individuals left the location.

The police officer was told to NOT file any police report by Lt. Steve Romero, but to simply file a “memo” of the incident.  This memo was forwarded to the Chief of Police who later was asked to prepare his own memo about this incident.

Surveillance video of the entire incident was later obtained by Fox News through sources inside city hall.  Escobar & Chavez are seen entering the building multiple times taking property from the building as noted in the police "memo" written by the police officer who witnessed the incident.


On the evening of May 5, 2010 the first interview was conducted by the private investigator.

Hawthorne Police Lt. Cruickshank was interviewed for approximately 25 minutes.


On the morning of May 6, 2010, Chief Mike Heffner was contacted by Mr. Mitsch and the investigator.  When he wass asked to come in to be interviewed, he stated he was unavailable.

For the next 6 hours, Chief Heffner stalled and outright refused to be interviewed.

During this period, the investigator conducted several other interviews with city employees.

Records indicate that later that afternoon, Hawthorne Police Captain Keith Kauffman met with Mr. Mitsch and the investigator.  Captain Kauffman wanted to inform the city that Chief Heffner wanted to resign.  Captain Kauffman asked how could the city move forward with this process without interviewing Chief Heffner.

After several hours of “negotiating” with Captain Kauffman, an agreement was reached by Mr. Mitsch and Chief Heffner.  The results were that Chief Heffner would resign immediately and an interim chief would be appointed.  Chief Heffner asked Mr. Mitsch and the investigator to “let me go easy”.

Chief Heffner quickly signed his resignation and then made comments questioning the investigator’s practices of conducting surveillance in his city.  None of which ever occurred.  Chief Heffner even went as far as to naming people who were allegedly conducting the investigations.

A short time later Chief Heffner left and the fireworks began.

It was not long after, that Captain Kauffman began “insisting” that Mr. Mitsch appoint him as the Interim Chief.  After having just negotiating the resignation of Chief Heffner, Captain Kauffman felt it was his birthright to become the new Interim Chief. 

If Mr. Mitsch did only one good thing during his tenure it would be the decision he made NOT to appoint Captain Kauffman as Interim Police Chief.

A few hours later, attorneys were contacted and for the next several days, Captain Kauffman made numerous unsuccessful legal attempts to become appointed Interim Chief of Police for the Hawthorne Police Department.