Friday, August 17, 2012


Records show that on April 26, 2010 a “private investigator” was hired by Interim City Manager Jim Mitsch, at the direction of then Council Member Danny Juarez.

Mr. Mitsch and majority council members were concerned that the previous administration had been using illegal listening devices inside city hall.  They also felt it necessary to look into the alleged “break-in” or "unauthorized entry" at city hall on April 15, 2010.  Which is the same evening that Jag Pathirana was ousted by Danny Juarez and his majority.

Mr. Mitsch, at the direction of Danny Juarez, on several occasions consulted with outside counsel, Tiffany Israel, of Aleshire & Wynder, LLP, a City of Hawthorne vendor, regarding the advancement of the investigation.

For the record, Tiffany Israel is the City Attorney for adjoining City of Lawndale.  Apparently she moonlights as counsel for the City of Hawthorne, since the city is not confident enough in allowing City Attorney Russ Miyahara to handle city affairs on his own.

On May 5, 2010 Mr. Mitsch, under the direction of Tiffany Israel, ordered the private investigator to proceed with his investigation of the break-in as well as the incident at the Wild Goose in 2009 and any other improper activities conducted within city hall by city employees.

Later that afternoon, Mr. Mitsch contacted Chief Heffner and asked that he provide a written statement of the Wild Goose incident on July 31, 2009 and the “break-in” on April 15, 2010.

Chief Heffner provided an official document to Mr. Mitsch of both incidents.

The following is one of the two prepared memos provided by Chief Heffner.

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