Friday, August 17, 2012


Fast forward to April 15, 2010 where a special session had been called to discuss the performance evaluation and possible termination of City Manager Jag Pathirana.

The new council majority, headed by then Councilmember, now Mayor Danny Juarez took it upon themselves to hire outside legal counsel, Tiffany Israel, the current City Attorney for the City of Lawndale and associate of Aleshire & Wynder, LLP, to discuss termination procedures.  At this special meeting, Jag Pathirana was in fact terminated and a new City Manager was appointed immediately.


Sources reveal that the council majority, which included Council Members Danny Juarez, Alex Vargas and Angie English had held secret meetings with Mr. Jim Mitsch several months prior.  This is evident since Mr. Mitsch was literally waiting in the wings of city hall during this special meeting.

After being appointed that afternoon he met with various city leaders, including Chief Mike Heffner.  Mr. Mitsch immediately ordered Chief Heffner to seize any and all computers belonging to Mr. Pathirana.  A short time later Mr. Pathirana was escorted out of the building and he left the property.

As word spread of his termination, various city employees quickly put together a going away gathering for Mr. Pathirana at Cozymel’s Mexican restaurant in El Segundo.  Many city employees attended this event including a concerned citizen who was present during the special meeting.  This citizen was concerned about Mr. Pathirana’s well being, but was afraid to approach Mr. Pathirana at city hall.  When he was told about the going away party at Cozymels, he took it upon himself to attend.  However when he arrived, he noticed the large party and became concerned that he might not be welcomed. While contemplating whether or not to join the party, the citizen was approached by Mr. Escobar. The concerned citizen was asked about his presence at the restaurant, which by the way is a public place, and then escorted to the back where Mr. Pathirana was seated.  The citizen expressed concern to Mr. Pathirana and left a short time later.

It is still uncertain why Mr. Escobar, a representative of the City of Hawthorne would illegally detain an unknown individual simply because he recognized him from the meeting.  This citizen has since moved from the area and is in fear for his life since being threatened that evening and later being threatened by private investigators hired by Jag Pathirana.

Later that evening, as the party ended, Mr. Pathirana, who had been drinking alcoholic beverages, was stopped and detained by El Segundo police as he left the location.

Records indicate that a sobriety test was administered to Mr. Pathirana.  The results showed that he was just below the legal limit, therefore he was released. 

After being released, Mr. Pathirana, Mr. Escobar, Mr. Chavez, Ms. Miller, Ms. Emmich and others left Cozymels and returned to City Hall.

Mr. Escobar & Chavez entered the building several times and took out several bags with documents.  This event was witnessed by an off duty police officer.  This officer observed the activity for a period of time and immediately notified his Watch Commander, Lt. Steve Romero, after these individuals left the location.

The police officer was told to NOT file any police report by Lt. Steve Romero, but to simply file a “memo” of the incident.  This memo was forwarded to the Chief of Police who later was asked to prepare his own memo about this incident.

Surveillance video of the entire incident was later obtained by Fox News through sources inside city hall.  Escobar & Chavez are seen entering the building multiple times taking property from the building as noted in the police "memo" written by the police officer who witnessed the incident.

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